Feasibility study on strain based health monitoring and life assessment of gun barrel
Design and efficiency analysis of muzzle brake for Φ50 mm caliber gas gun
Research on the influence of muzzle vibration characteristics on firing accuracy of automatic gun
Analysis for stable tracking torque of self propelled antiaircraft gun under high dynamic conditions
Research on ammunition ramming motion for inertial loading
Reliability analysis of a firearm ignition system design and implementation of software
Analysis on salvo muzzle flow field of twin barreled automatic mortar
Analysis of muzzle vibration under projectiles/barrel coupling effect
Research on the wear mechanism of the gun barrel steel under different temperatures
Lightweight design of artillery cradle based on dimension topology coupling effect
Dynamic simulation of new sniper grenade launcher by ADAMS
Research on the influence of recoil load application methods on gun dynamics simulation
Analysis of multifunctional muzzle device for high fire rate gatling gun
Numerical analysis of the performance of mufflers with different structures of a 7.62 mm sniper gun
Experimental study and numerical analysis on energyrelease characteristics of bullet primer
Fatigue life analysis of firing pin based on finite element method and test date
New developments and inspirations of foreign terminal anti aircraft artillery
Research and analysis of impact load on cam transmission system of external energy firearms