Study on thermal performance of FOX 7/HMX mixed system
Mesoscopic damage model and constitutive model of explosive transmission under impact load
Study on the mechanical properties of RDX based melt cast explosives at different temperatures
Study on the law of charge density and constraint effect on impact initiation characteristics
Study on mechanical response of booster charge under different loading conditions
Effect of pressure relief hole on shaped energy transmitting tube
Study on the influence of ceramic protective structures on the resistance of fuze to fragment impact
Self locking and positioning fuze safety and arming device based on MEMS
Study on criterion for critical velocity of fragment impact detonation bare charge
Security system safety research for fully electronic initiators
Research on the multi attitude inertial ignition performance of aerial bomb fuze
A micro shaped ammunition with built in MEMS safety and arming device
Investigation on transient response characteristics of polyurethane cushioning materials
Fuzzy fault tree based safety assessment of radio fuzes for anti aircraft guns
Design of whole process test system for electronic time fuze circuit components
Research on denoising method for laser fuze echo signal based on MI EMD
Research on data destruction method based on initiating explosive device technology
Finite element analysis of strength under high overload conditions of 25 mm caliber fuze
Control logic design of electronic safety system and failure rate calculation
Deformation prediction model of thin walled spherical shells under flat headed projectile impact
Research on laser fuze based on time domain variable responsiveness
Numerical simulation of friction initiation characteristics of armour piercing explosive projectile