Supervisor: Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau
Organizer: Chongqing Ordnance Industry Society
Chongqing University of Technology

2024 Virtual Special Issue on Guidance Technology

Fixed time coordinated attitude tracking control of multi spacecraft based on disturbance observer

Research on target following of spherical robot based on PPO

Trajectory tracking control of quadrotor based on fractional order S plane model

Review on cooperative control technology of UAV swarm

Research on rocket landing phase guidance based on improved convex optimization method

Improved GM PHD tracking algorithm for neighbor targets

Low labeling rate specific emitter identification algorithm based on confidence learning

Research on evaluation of target thermal infrared camouflage effect based on PCA Super efficiency DEA

Cost sensitive and smooth constrained structured SVM object tracking method based on missile borne images

Maneuvering star convex extended target tracking using random hypersurface model

Lightweight cruise missile object tracking algorithm based on feature fusion

Transformer based multi object tracking algorithm for UAV

A bearing only attack method for anti ship missiles based on target approximate heading

Overview of operational use of laser guided weapons

An improved YOLOv7 OBB ship identification method

Machine learning based integrated design to aerodynamic optimization and guidance for cruise missile

Convex optimization method for rocket midrange guidance

A method for determining the threat degree of air targets based on K Nearest neighbor algorithm

Attitude adjustment strategy of rocket based on MPC and RBF neural network

Autonomous positioning of UAV based on puzzle descriptor in denial environment

Estimation of high altitude wind parameters of guided projectile based on NGO BP

An information filter based on modified unbiased converted measurement for maneuvering target tracking

Research on infrared ship target detection and tracking method based on improved PP YOLOE and ByteTrack algorithms

Application and prospect of machine learning in air to air missile attack zone calculation

Track before detect algorithms for underwater targets: An overview