Supervisor: Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau
Organizer: Chongqing Ordnance Industry Society
Chongqing University of Technology

Sensitivity analysis and optimization of gun muzzle vibration based on Timoshenko beam theory

DOI: 10.11809/bqzbgcxb2023.03.013
Keywords: Timoshenko beam; muzzle disturbance; sensitivity analysis; optimized design; numerical simulation
Abstract: In order to evaluate the influence of projectile/barrel parameters on gun muzzle vibration and reduce muzzle disturbance, this paper establishes a muzzle vibration model and calculation method during firing based on Timoshenko beam theory and transfer matrix method. Taking a 5.8 mm caliber rifle as the research object, the muzzle vibration characteristics are quantitatively analyzed, and the analysis results are basically consistent with the experimental results. The key parameters (barrel cross sectional area, barrel density, barrel elastic modulus, rifling depth, rifling winding angle, projectile mass, forcing cone slop and projectile mass eccentricity) are selected for sensitivity analysis, and the effects of structural parameters of the barrel and the projectile on muzzle vibration and barrel mode are obtained. In addition, aiming at the muzzle vibration displacement and muzzle vibration velocity, this paper obtains a set of optimization values by using the progressive optimal algorithm. Vertical displacement value of the optimized muzzle is 0.073 1 mm, which is 5.8% lower than the initial value of 0.077 5 mm; the muzzle velocity value is 386.97 mm/s, which is 6.23% lower than the initial value of 412.68 mm/s.
Issue: Vol. 44 No. 3 (2023)
Published: 2023-03-28