Supervisor: Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau
Organizer: Chongqing Ordnance Industry Society
Chongqing University of Technology

Evaluation of pilot landing skills based on differential thinking and dynamic time warping

DOI: 10.11809/bqzbgcxb2023.03.018
Keywords: differential thinking; dynamic time warping (DTW); landing skill evaluation
Abstract: Aiming at the landing training of a carrier based aircraft, this paper proposes a pilot driving skill evaluation method based on differential thinking and dynamic time warping (DTW).Firstly, the landing process is decomposed into multivariate time series.Through the analysis of this process, five characteristic parameters such as flight height, sinking speed and alignment deviation are selected as indicators, and the standard curve of each indicator is fitted. Then, the selected characteristic parameters are differentiated and segmented, and the relationship between the parameters is used for dimension reduction. Finally, DTW is used to calculate the evaluation model to realize landing skill evaluation.The case analysis shows that the method based on differential thinking and DTW has good applicability to pilot landing skill evaluation, which is beneficial to improve pilot landing skills.
Published: 2023-03-28