Supervisor: Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau
Organizer: Chongqing Ordnance Industry Society
Chongqing University of Technology

Study on interfering tactical GPS guided weapons during terminal protection of caverns

DOI: 10.11809/bqzbgcxb2023.06.012
Keywords: cavern; terminal protection; precision guided weapon; GPS jamming; deployment
Abstract: In order to study the jamming of the terminal protection of caverns to tactical GPS guided weapons, this paper establishes a model of cavern aiming areas and a terminal jamming model of GPS guided weapons. The feasibility of terminal GPS jamming to cruise missiles and precision guided bombs is analyzed. The minimum GPS jamming distance required to interfere with the GPS guided bombs under different jamming probabilities is calculated. The maximum protection angles of the single station linear deployment, two station linear deployment and two station triangle deployment are studied, the best station distance of the two station deployment is analyzed, and the deployment method of multi station protection of caverns is given. The results show that the combat object of GPS terminal jamming is mainly air launched GPS guided bombs. During effective jamming, when the minimum jamming distance S min required for GPS is less than twice the action distance R of the portable GPS jamming stations, sector deployment can be used to protect the cavern. The longer S min is, the more jamming stations are needed. However, when S min >2R, multiple jamming stations need to be deployed in a double layer sector. For example, for a cavern with a protection angle of 160°, six jamming stations are required, of which four stations are uniformly deployed in the outer layer and two stations are deployed in the inner layer.
Issue: Vol. 44 No. 6 (2023)
Published: 2023-06-28