Supervisor: Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau
Organizer: Chongqing Ordnance Industry Society
Chongqing University of Technology

A synthetic firepower distribution method for multi stage confrontation game

DOI: 10.11809/bqzbgcxb2023.07.024
Keywords: synthetic firepower distribution; turn based confrontation strategy; game model; integer liner programming model; branch pricing algorithm
Abstract: How to perform realistic synthetic firepower distribution is a very challenging topic. Considering the multi stage characteristics of actual combat tasks, this paper proposes a new turn based confrontationstrategy and game model, and designs an efficient exact solution algorithm. The primary goal of the red force confrontation strategy is to maximize the blue force losses and minimize the red force losses on each turn. Second, in terms of the issue of prioritization of tactical objectives, we introduce weight coefficients to represent the importance of the blue and red forces, respectively. The higher the weight coefficient, the more it should be attacked or protected. In addition, we introduce a hyperparameter to represent the sensitivity of the red force to its own losses in the combat. The smaller of the hyperparameter value, the less sensitive it is to losses, i.e., it can be more tactically aggressive. The experiment results not only show the correctness and rationality of the mathematical modeling, but also verify that the branch pricing algorithm is superior to the genetic algorithm. The rationality of the confrontation strategy design, the prioritization quantification scheme, and the loss sensitivity measure are validated. In addition, the novel antagonistic game model and the algorithm exhibit consistency with the traditional lanchester combat model. The adjustable loss sensitive parameter also allows the model to have better flexibility in force distribution, and allowing for the phased commitment of forces and avoiding the situation where no certain type of force is available at a certain stage while achieving the campaign objectives.
Published: 2023-07-28