Supervisor: Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau
Organizer: Chongqing Ordnance Industry Society
Chongqing University of Technology

Study on the influence law of fuel dispersion characteristics of non equal diameter explosive sprinkling device

DOI: 10.11809/bqzbgcxb2023.09.030
Keywords: special shaped disperse device; fuel disperse; LS DYNA; cloud and fog size; initial velocity of cloud and fog
Abstract: In this paper, the fuel dispersion characteristics of non equal diameter explosive sprinkling device are studied. LS DYNA software is used to simulate the process from central charge initiation to shell rupture of a cone cylindrical fan spraying device. The distribution of fuel spraying velocity on the surface of the shell and the variation law of the spraying rate with time are obtained. At the same time, by changing the ignition position of the central propellant column, shell thickness and shell material, the influence of these factors on the initial velocity of fuel spraying is studied. The results show: ① When the ignition position is at the rough end of the shell, that is, when the central propellant is fired from the rough end, it can make up for the uneven dispersion problem caused by the uneven fuel charge in the non uniform structure, and make the initial fuel dispersion velocity 7% higher than that under the condition of fine end initiation. ② The shell thickness has no obvious influence on the distribution law of fuel release velocity. Doubling the shell thickness reduces the initial velocity of fuel dispersion by about 12.5%. ③ Shell materials have an influence on both the initial velocity and distribution law of fuel scattering. Ductile materials have little influence on the initial velocity distribution law of fuel scattering, but have an influence on the initial velocity size. Brittle materials such as ceramics lead to a more uniform initial velocity distribution.
Issue: Vol. 44 No. 9 (2023)
Published: 2023-09-28