Supervisor: Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau
Organizer: Chongqing Ordnance Industry Society
Chongqing University of Technology

Study on the protective effects of laminated buffering target plate on bomb borne testers

DOI: 10.11809/bqzbgcxb2024.03.005
Keywords: air cannon; missile borne tester; acceleration; buffer target plate; finite element simulation
Abstract: When the air gun is used to simulate the high overload environment of gun launching to test the missile borne tester, the projectile hitting the target plate will produce a spike pulse, which will cause serious damage to the tester. In order to improve the viability of the tester, the research on the stacking mode of the buffer target plate (the stacking structure of target plates with different materials superimposed each other) is carried out. The compression and penetration behavior of the projectile on the target is described by the impact dynamics theory, and the relationship between the target parameters and the impulse transmitted to the target is calculated by combining the conservation of momentum and energy laws. ANSYS/LS DYNA was used to establish the model of projectile penetrating the target plate. The projectile velocity was 200 m/s and the mass was 5.5 kg. The simulation results showed that the combination of three layers of aluminum foam+aluminum foam+rubber with a total thickness of 450 mm could effectively eliminate the peak pulse and shorten the action time of the projectile on the target plate. The average acceleration was about 7 000g and the pulse width was 2.8 ms. Limited by the conditions, the air gun test uses the projectile mass of 5.5 kg, the velocity of 150 m/s, and reduces the single layer thickness of the buffer target to 100 mm. The results show that under the combination mode of aluminum foam+aluminum foam+rubber, the projectile structure and tester function are intact, the average acceleration is about 27 000g, and the pulse width is 0.55 ms.
Issue: Vol. 45 No. 3 (2024)
Published: 2024-03-28