Supervisor: Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau
Organizer: Chongqing Ordnance Industry Society
Chongqing University of Technology

Study on the propagation path and numerical simulation of surface cracks in three dimensional structures

DOI: 10.11809/bqzbgcxb2024.03.008
Keywords: finite element method; numerical simulation; stress intensity factor; three dimensional multiple cracks; crack propagation path
Abstract: To address the difficulty in predicting the morphology and trajectory of three dimensional surface cracks, a three dimensional crack propagation simulation method was developed based on the ANSYS finite element analysis software, and a program for simulating three dimensional crack propagation was developed. The study investigated the propagation trajectories of typical three dimensional surface single and multiple cracks, and achieved numerical simulation of arbitrary three dimensional multiple crack propagation trajectories. The main contents and conclusions of this article are as follows: For the three dimensional surface single crack model, when the initial crack shape is c/a>1, the stress intensity factor at the deepest point is greater than the stress intensity factor at the free surface, and as the crack continues to propagate, the crack tip gradually stabilizes into a circular shape. However, for non coplanar surface bimodal cracks in three dimensions, the larger crack has a faster propagation rate than the smaller one. Initially, both cracks propagate along a smooth spline curve, but later, they are influenced by each other, and at the point where they approach each other, the stress intensity factor increases due to stress concentration, causing the propagation rate to be higher than other parts of the crack tip.
Published: 2024-03-28