Supervisor: Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau
Organizer: Chongqing Ordnance Industry Society
Chongqing University of Technology

Bidirectional GRU trajectory prediction for large caliber artillery based on bahdanau attention mechanism

DOI: 10.11809/bqzbgcxb2024.07.008
Keywords: trajectory prediction; ballistic model; S2S ATT BiGRU model; deep learning
Abstract: In response to the trajectory prediction problem of large caliber artillery projectiles, a sequence to sequence trajectory prediction model (S2S ATT BiGRU) based on the Bahdanau attention mechanism and bidirectional gated recurrent unit network is proposed. A large number of projectile trajectory data samples are obtained through the simulation of the 6 degree of freedom projectile motion model under different conditions, and the simulated dataset is constructed using the sliding window method and difference method. The proposed trajectory prediction model is compared with GRU model through simulation experiments on the simulated dataset. The research results show that the S2S ATT BiGRU model, when predicting the future time of 5 s based on an input time of 0.5 s, has an MSE of 13.89 m2, an MAE of 1.84 m, and an MAPE of 0.29%, which is significantly more accurate than GRU model. In most cases, the S2S ATT BiGRU model’s predictions are superior to GRU model. These findings suggest that the S2S ATT BiGRU model has a stronger ability to store input trajectory sequence information and adaptively focus on important input trajectory information, providing a favorable reference for projectile trajectory prediction research.
Published: 2024-07-26