Supervisor: Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau
Organizer: Chongqing Ordnance Industry Society
Chongqing University of Technology

Simulation analysis of magnetic response under complex penetration conditions based on magnetic anomaly detection

DOI: 10.11809/bqzbgcxb2024.07.021
Keywords: penetration;fuze;geomagnetic detection; complex working conditions;layer counting
Abstract: In view of the lack of research on the magnetic anomaly response of the fuze based on the geomagnetic field magnetic anomaly detection under complex penetration conditions, the penetration model of the projectile under complex conditions was established by using COMSOL finite element analysis software. The magnetic anomaly response characteristics of the fuze during the penetration process under four different complex working conditions were explored, including the projectile penetrating the 6 layer reinforced concrete target plate in the horizontal or vertical direction, the ferromagnetic interference effect in different directions and different distances, penetrating the reinforced concrete target plate with beam structure, and deflecting different angles obliquely penetrating the vertical wall. Through analysis, it is found that clear penetrating target characteristic signals can be obtained whether it is horizontal or vertical normal penetration. Different angles of horizontal deflection relative to the geomagnetic direction will only affect the variation of the magnetic signal when penetrating the target without affecting the recognition of the penetrating target characteristics; the ferromagnetic interference placed in different directions will affect the magnetic anomaly signal of the axis and the Z axis, and the influence is weak when the distance is more than 3 m. When the projectile penetrates the target plate with beam structure, the variation and pulse width of the target signal in the beam placement direction and the Z axis direction are increased, which does not affect the identification of the target. After the projectile deflects around an axis, it penetrates the reinforced concrete target plate with a vertical wall with an angle of attack. The smaller the angle of attack, the more intense the change of the magnetic anomaly signal generated when penetrating the vertical wall and the adjacent two layers of the target plate. When the angle of attack is 10°, the penetration characteristics are lost.
Issue: Vol. 45 No. 7 (2024)
Published: 2024-07-26