Supervisor: Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau
Organizer: Chongqing Ordnance Industry Society
Chongqing University of Technology

〖STHZ〗3D reconstruction of defective structure in silicone rubber bonding layer and its influence on bonding properties

DOI: 10.11809/bqzbgcxb2024.07.033
Keywords: silicone rubber; bonding structure; defect reconstruction; X ray CT; bonding property
Abstract: The defective structure of bonding layer will seriously affect the reliability and strength of bonding structure. In this work, taking silicone rubber bonding layer as an example, the three dimensional structure of defects in the bonding layer was reconstructed based on X ray CT method, and the variation of the types, distribution, and content of defects in the bonding layer with heat treatment temperature (RT~400 ℃) was analyzed. On this basis, combined with the analysis of tensile shear properties and tensile shear fatigue properties of the bonding structures, the influence mechanism of the defects on the bonding properties was revealed. The results show that the pyrolysis and aging of silicone rubber at high temperature result in the formation, growth, and merger of pores in the rubber layer. Therefore, the defect structure of bonding layer increases with increasing heat treatment temperature in RT~300 ℃. However, when the heat treatment temperature is further increased to 400 ℃, the defect shows a decreasing trend due to the carbonization shrinkage of silicone rubber. At the same time, the tensile shear strength of the bonded structure increases with the increase of heat treatment temperature in RT~300 ℃ due to the high temperature repolymerization of silicone rubber. However, the pyrolysis and carbonization of silicone rubber will lead to the decrease of toughness, and then lead to the decrease of tensile fatigue property. The research results of this work are of great significance to the reliability evaluation of the bonding structure.
Issue: Vol. 45 No. 7 (2024)
Published: 2024-07-26