Supervisor: Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau
Organizer: Chongqing Ordnance Industry Society
Chongqing University of Technology

Detonation mechanism and judgment of a linear concentrated charge metal jet on a steel plate rear charge

DOI: 10.11809/bqzbgcxb2024.11.018
Keywords: linear polymer charge; shear detonation; detonation mechanism; precursor wave sensitization; Held’s criterion
Abstract: For unexploded ordnance destruction operations, according to the thickness of the shell of the ammunition to be destroyed how to choose the linear polymer charge parameters/models of the problem, this paper uses LS DYNA software to establish a typical linear polymerized charge jet detonation steel plate rear charge model.Through a combination of computational and experimental methods, this paper investigates the typical linear polymerized charge jet penetration of steel plate to lead to the rear of the charge mechanism and criteria, the relationship between the thickness of the cuttable steel plate and the thickness of the unexploded ordnance casing, as well as the factors affecting the detonation of unexploded ordnance and so on.The results show that: when the depth of a typical linear energy charge penetrating a steel plate reaches 4 cm, it cannot be detonated when it just penetrates 4 cm of steel plate, and when the thickness of the steel plate is reduced to 2 cm, the jet can be detonated by the detonation of the detonated charge.Ultimately concluded that: typical linear polymerization charge explosion produced by the jet penetration of thick steel plate generated by the precursor wave can make the charge slightly reactive, but cannot be detonated; the jet directly impact shear charge is the key factor in the detonation of the charge.Considering the sensitizing effect of the precursor wave on the charge at the same time after verification, the typical linear jet detonation of pressure loaded TNT Held criterion in the susceptibility constant K is not less than 14.43×103 m3/s2.Typical linear charge penetration steel thickness is more than twice the thickness of the unexploded ordnance casing body in order to reliably blow up unexploded ordnance.
Issue: Vol. 45 No. 11 (2024)
Published: 2024-11-30