Supervisor: Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau
Organizer: Chongqing Ordnance Industry Society
Chongqing University of Technology

Mach number distribution controllable axisymmetric inlet multi objective optimization design

DOI: 10.11809/bqzbgcxb2024.11.027
Keywords: axisymmetric inlet; Mach number distribution; curved shock; sensitivity analysis; optimal design
Abstract: Based on the sensitivity analysis of all design parameters of the curved compression axisymmetric inlet with controllable Mach number distribution, the influence of design parameters on the inlet performance and geometric parameters is obtained.The influence of the leading edge half cone Angle δc on the inlet length L is the largest and negative effect, and the coefficients b and c and the inside Angle of the lip have a more obvious influence on the performance parameters.On this basis, a proxy model is established for three objective optimization, and an axisymmetric inlet with better overall performance is obtained.Compared to the benchmark inlet, the optimized inlet has higher compression efficiency and low Mach number flow capture over the entire operating range with an 11.2% reduction in length.In the range of Ma4.0 7.0, the total pressure recovery coefficient of the throat increased by 19.2% at the maximum, and the flow coefficient increased by 6.54% at Ma4.0.
Issue: Vol. 45 No. 11 (2024)
Published: 2024-11-30