Supervisor: Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau
Organizer: Chongqing Ordnance Industry Society
Chongqing University of Technology

Research progress on isoxazole skeleton construction and synthesis of its energetic compounds

DOI: 10.11809/bqzbgcxb2025.01.003
Keywords: isoxazole energetic compound; skeleton construction method; cyclization reaction mechanism; synthesis; detonation property
Abstract: Isoxazole is a five membered aromatic heterocyclic structure with lower energy level than furoxan and furoxan, and it is an energetic structural unit for constructing energetic materials. It has emerged as a prominent research focus within the domain of insensitive energetic materials. This review provides a comprehensive overview of the construction methods for two archetypal isoxazole rings, delving into the mechanisms underlying their condensation cyclization reactions. We revisit the synthesis approaches for over a decade of isoxazole based energetic compounds, highlighting advancements made in recent years. The paper places a spotlight on the physicochemical properties and detonation characteristics of quintessential isoxazole energetic compounds. Notably, 3, 3’ diisoxazole 4, 4’, 5, 5’ tetramethylene dinitrate stands out with its density of 1.585 g/cm, melting point of 92 ℃, detonation velocity of 7 060 m/s, and a formidable detonation pressure of 19.3 GPa. Its low sensitivity to impact, friction, and electrostatic discharge renders it a promising candidate for use in energetic plasticizers. This review not only offers a theoretical foundation for the future design and synthesis of novel isoxazole energetic materials but also offers insights into the prospective evolution of this class of compounds, charting a course for their potential applications and technological impact.
Issue: Vol. 46 No. 1 (2025)
Published: 2025-01-31