Supervisor: Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau
Organizer: Chongqing Ordnance Industry Society
Chongqing University of Technology

Study on the influence of preset rudder angle on water entry motion characteristics of supercavitating vehicle

DOI: 10.11809/bqzbgcxb2025.01.011
Keywords: ventilated; preset rudder angle; flow field evolution; trajectory characteristics
Abstract: To study the effect of the preset rudder angle on the motion characteristics of the ventilated vehicle during water entry, based on the VOF (Volume of Fluid) model and the SST k ω turbulence model, the numerical simulation of the flow field and trajectory characteristics of the ventilated vehicle during high speed oblique water entry are carried out in this paper. The validity of the numerical method is verified by comparing the cavity shape and trajectory characteristics produced by the numerical simulations with the experimental results. The effects of different rudder angles on the flow field evolution during water entry, trajectory and hydrodynamic characteristics are analyzed. The results show that the surface closure of the cavity occurs rapidly under high speed oblique water entry. The rudder angle leads to the asymmetry of the upper and lower sides of the cavity. After entering the water to a certain depth, due to the increase of hydrostatic pressure and the decrease of the speed of the vehicle, the cavity at the tail of the vehicle falls off, and the lift coefficient and pitch moment fluctuate. The rudder angle has a significant effect on the trajectory characteristics of the vehicle. The larger the rudder angle, the smaller the maximum depth of the vehicle, the faster the pitch angle changes, and the time for horizontal attitude is advanced. Compared with the 3° rudder angle condition, the 5° rudder angle condition has an advance of 86ms in the horizontal attitude time. But the rudder angle has basically no effect on the axial speed of the vehicle. At the same time, the rudder angle has a certain influence on the hydrodynamic characteristics of the vehicle. The larger the rudder angle, the larger the maximum lift coefficient and the higher the pitch moment. However, the rudder angle has little effect on the drag coefficient of the vehicle.
Issue: Vol. 46 No. 1 (2025)
Published: 2025-01-31