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序号 文章标题 引用格式(中英文)
1 炸药装药烤燃特性的尺寸及约束效应研究进展 董泽霖,屈可朋,胡雪垚,等.炸药装药烤燃特性的尺寸及约束效应研究进展[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(1):1-10. DONG Zelin, QU Kepeng, HU Xueyao, et al.Research progress on size and constraint effect of cookoff characteristics of explosive charge[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(1):1-10.
2 炸药爆热测量方法及应用的研究进展 王浩旭,昝继超,贾路川,等.炸药爆热测量方法及应用的研究进展[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(1):20-28. WANG Haoxu, ZAN Jichao, JIA Luchuan, et al.Research progress of the measurement method and its application of detonation heat of explosives[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(1):20-28.
3 发射装药老化对于跌落安全性的影响 米巧丽,卢明章,李本威,等.发射装药老化对于跌落安全性的影响[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(2):8-14. MI Qiaoli, LU Mingzhang, LI Benwei, et al.Effect of the aging of propellant charge on drop safety[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(2):8-14.
4 弹道修正引信隔转平台设计与实验分析 李鑫鹏,郝波涛,赵晓旗,等.弹道修正引信隔转平台设计与实验分析[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(2):52-61. LI Xinpeng, HAO Botao, ZHAO Xiaoqi, et al.Design and experimental analysis of the trajectory correction fuze isolation platform[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(2):52-61.
5 机载布撒亚音速子弹药初始外弹道性能研究 王尧,毛亮,何筱,等.机载布撒亚音速子弹药初始外弹道性能研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(3):30-37,79. WANG Yao, MAO Liang, HE Xiao, et al.Study on the initial external ballistics of airborne subsonic submunitions[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(3):30-37,79.
6 线膛无坐力炮膛线数和弹带结构对挤进过程影响 陆鸿睿,陶钢,苗军,等.线膛无坐力炮膛线数和弹带结构对挤进过程影响[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(3):38-43. LU Hongrui, TAO Gang, MIAO Jun, et al.Influence of the number of rifling and belt structure on the engraving process of rifled recoilless guns[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(3):38-43.
7 全电子安全系统侵彻过载特性与通带算法研究 杜廷蔚,张祥金,郭竞杰.全电子安全系统侵彻过载特性与通带算法研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(3):288-294. DU Tingwei, ZHANG Xiangjin, GUO Jingjie.Research on penetration overload characteristics and passband algorithm of electronic safety and arming device[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(3):288-294.
8 典型破片撞击起爆屏蔽B炸药阈值研究 仝远,李德贵,聂源,等.典型破片撞击起爆屏蔽B炸药阈值研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(4):16-21. TONG Yuan, LI Degui, NIE Yuan, et al.Velocity threshold of shock initiation of shielded composition B impacted by typical fragments[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(4):16-21.
9 PBX-9404炸药临界起爆特性数值模拟 栗丁丁,何中其.PBX-9404炸药临界起爆特性数值模拟[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(4):186-193. LI Dingding, HE Zhongqi.[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(4):186-193.
10 远程尾控制导炮弹气动特性及仿真分析 王桂奇,刘福朝,刘宁,等.远程尾控制导炮弹气动特性及仿真分析[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(5):11-16. WANG Guiqi, LIU Fuchao, LIU Ning, et al.Aerodynamic characteristics and simulation analysis of remote tail control guided projectiles[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(5):11-16.
11 基于BP神经网络预测炸药JWL状态方程参数对EFP速度的影响 郝礼楷,顾文彬,谢兴博,等.基于BP神经网络预测炸药JWL状态方程参数对EFP速度的影响[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(6):47-55. HAO Likai, GU Wenbin, XIE Xingbo, et al.Prediction of the influence of parameters of JWL equation of state on EFP velocity based on BP neural network[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(6):47-55.
12 周向敏感子弹动力学建模及外弹道特性分析 李阳,牛志一,刘晓光,等.周向敏感子弹动力学建模及外弹道特性分析[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(6):94-102. LI Yang, NIU Zhiyi, LIU Xiaoguang, et al.Dynamic modeling and exterior trajectory characteristics analysis of transverse sensitive submunition[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(6):94-102.
13 电子安全系统备用解除保险模块逻辑设计 张欣港,彭志凌,段昊言,等.电子安全系统备用解除保险模块逻辑设计[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(6):185-190. ZHANG Xingang, PENG Zhiling, DUAN Haoyan, et al.Logic design of the standby defusing module of the electronic safety system[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(6):185-190.
14 引信的隔热与缓释结构设计及验证 焦敏,陈翔,宋乙丹,等.引信的隔热与缓释结构设计及验证[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(8):29-34. JIAO Min, CHEN Xiang, SONG Yidan, et al.Design and verification of heat insulation and slow heat release of a fuze[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(8):29-34.
15 小口径弹丸炮口无线装定系统设计 张明跃,房立清,郭爱强.小口径弹丸炮口无线装定系统设计[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(8):133-139. ZHANG Mingyue, FANG Liqing, GUO Aiqiang.Design of the wireless setting system for small caliber projectile muzzles[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(8):133-139.
16 基于发射药序列装填的火炮内弹道性能优化 李彦君,李全俊,韩智鹏,等.基于发射药序列装填的火炮内弹道性能优化[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(8):154-161. LI Yanjun, LI Quanjun, HAN Zhipeng, et al.Optimization of artillery interior ballistic performance based on sequential loading of propellants[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(8):154-161.
17 高转速下膛内装药发射安定性仿真分析 何司璐,赵太勇,蒋显松,等.高转速下膛内装药发射安定性仿真分析[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(9):122-133. HE Silu, ZHAO Taiyong, JIANG Xiansong, et al.Simulation analysis of launch stability of inbore charge at high speed[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(9):122-133.
18 弹丸质量偏心对射击初始扰动的影响分析 巫志伟,赵雄飞,霍永清,等.弹丸质量偏心对射击初始扰动的影响分析[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(9):266-271. WU Zhiwei, ZHAO Xiongfei, HUO Yongqing, et al.Influence analysis of projectile mass eccentricity on initial disturbance in the firing process[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(9):266-271.
19 高g值可见光导引头缓冲系统仿真设计及验证 胡志栋,张新驰,周祥宇.高g值可见光导引头缓冲系统仿真设计及验证[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(10):25-30. HU Zhidong, ZHANG Xinchi, ZHOU Xiangyu.Simulation design and verification of high g value visible light seeker buffer system[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(10):25-30.
20 不同角度对超空泡射弹入水过程的影响 尹兴超,郝博,代浩,等.不同角度对超空泡射弹入水过程的影响[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(10):202-207. YIN Xingchao, HAO Bo, DAI Hao, et al.Influence of different angles on water entry process of supercavitation projectile[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(10):202-207.
21 弹丸旋转速度对侵彻运动靶板影响 吴潇璞,王亮宽,周加永,等.弹丸旋转速度对侵彻运动靶板影响[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(10):230-235. WU Xiaopu, WANG Liangkuan, ZHOU Jiayong, et al.Research on influence of rotation velocity on projectile penetration ability[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(10):230-235.
22 基于JWL-Miller状态方程非理想炸药水中爆炸载荷模拟 谷鸿平,陈达,张立建,等.基于JWLMiller状态方程非理想炸药水中爆炸载荷模拟[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(10):293-299. GU Hongping, CHEN Da, ZHANG Lijian, et al.Numerical simulation of underwater explosion load produced by nonideal explosives based on JWLMiller equation of state[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(10):293-299.
23 基于FPGA的引信安全与起爆控制电路设计 朱博文,聂伟荣.基于FPGA的引信安全与起爆控制电路设计[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(12):1-7. ZHU Bowen, NIE Weirong.Design of safety and initiation control circuit for fuze based on FPGA[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(12):1-7.
24 弹体磁屏蔽效应及目标运动状态对磁探测的影响 李明,程晋伟.弹体磁屏蔽效应及目标运动状态对磁探测的影响[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(12):8-16. LI Ming, CHENG Jinwei.Study on magnetic shielding effect of projectile and target motion state on magnetic detection[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(12):8-16.
25 电磁脉冲作用下NMOS管的电磁敏感性研究 李万银,张晨阳,查继鹏,等.电磁脉冲作用下NMOS管的电磁敏感性研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(12):25-31. LI Wanyin, ZHANG Chenyang, ZHA Jipeng, et al.Electromagnetic sensitivity study of NMOS tube under the action of electromagnetic pulse[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(12):25-31.
26 小口径炮弹触发引信供弹及内弹道安全性研究 王逸飞,李世中,娄文忠,等.小口径炮弹触发引信供弹及内弹道安全性研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(12):32-39. WANG Yifei, LI Shizhong, LOU Wenzhong, et al.Research on the safety of small caliber shells on trigger fuse feeding and internal ballistics[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(12):32-39.
27 激光引信近程探测海面回波特性研究 白明健,杨丽,依研.激光引信近程探测海面回波特性研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(12):46-53. BAI Mingjian, YANG Li, YI Yan.Study on characteristics of short range sea echo detection by laser fuze[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(12):46-53.