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序号 文章标题 引用格式(中英文)
1 炸药装药烤燃特性的尺寸及约束效应研究进展 董泽霖,屈可朋,胡雪垚,等.炸药装药烤燃特性的尺寸及约束效应研究进展[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(01):1-10. DONG Zelin, QU Kepeng, HU Xueyao, et al.Research progress on size and constraint effect of cookoff characteristics of explosive charge[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(01):1-10.
2 破片战斗部有效破片数影响规律研究 谢奕,尹建平,李旭东,等.破片战斗部有效破片数影响规律研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(01):73-79. XIE Yi, YIN Jianping, LI Xudong, YANG Dong, et al.Research on the influence law of the effective fragment number of fragment warhead[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(01):73-79.
3 非圆截面弹体斜侵彻薄靶的动态载荷特性研究 王景琛,张晓伟,张庆明,等.非圆截面弹体斜侵彻薄靶的动态载荷特性研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(01):127-135. WANG Jingchen, ZHANG Xiaowei, ZHANG Qingming,et al.Study on dynamic load characteristics of a noncircular crosssection projectile obliquely penetrating into thin targets[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(01):127-135.
4 炸药爆热测量方法及应用的研究进展 王浩旭,昝继超,贾路川,等.炸药爆热测量方法及应用的研究进展[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(01):20-28. WANG Haoxu, ZAN Jichao, JIA Luchuan, et al.Research progress of the measurement method and its application of detonation heat of explosives[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(01):20-28.
5 基于DoDAF的弹药供应保障体系构建与效能评估 刘昊邦,史宪铭,华斌,等.基于DoDAF的弹药供应保障体系构建与效能评估[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(01):80-85,174. LIU Haobang, SHI Xianming, HUA Bin, et al.Construction and effectiveness evaluation of the ammunition supply guarantee system based on DoDAF[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(01):80-85,174.
6 弹道修正引信隔转平台设计与实验分析 李鑫鹏,郝波涛,赵晓旗,等.弹道修正引信隔转平台设计与实验分析[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(02):52-61. LI Xinpeng, HAO Botao, ZHAO Xiaoqi, et al.Design and experimental analysis of the trajectory correction fuze isolation platform[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(02):52-61.
7 基于DenseNet和注意力机制的静爆场破片识别方法研究 魏琦,何子清,王亚林,等.基于DenseNet和注意力机制的静爆场破片识别方法研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(02):259-265. WEI Qi, HE Ziqing, WANG Yalin, et al.Research on fragment identification of a static explosion field based on DenseNet and attention mechanism[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(02):259-265.
8 基于磁耦合谐振式的非接触点火技术研究 刘双庆,杨臻,方炜,等.基于磁耦合谐振式的非接触点火技术研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(02):29-34. LIU Shuangqing, YANG Zhen, FANG Wei, et al.Research on noncontact ignition technology based on magnetically coupled resonance[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(02):29-34.
9 动爆冲击波场空间位置分布规律研究 周至柔,蒋海燕,苏健军.动爆冲击波场空间位置分布规律研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(02):15-21. ZHOU Zhirou, JIANG Haiyan, SU Jianjun.Study on spatial position distribution of a dynamic detonation shock wave field[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(02):15-21.
10 脱壳穿甲弹毁伤效应试验研究 陈桂荣,欧阳稠,彭安,等.脱壳穿甲弹毁伤效应试验研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(02):40-46. CHEN Guirong, OUYANG Chou, PENG An, et al.Experimental research on damage effects of APDS[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(02):40-46.
11 发射装药老化对于跌落安全性的影响 米巧丽,卢明章,李本威,等.发射装药老化对于跌落安全性的影响[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(02):8-14. MI Qiaoli, LU Mingzhang, LI Benwei, et al.Effect of the aging of propellant charge on drop safety[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(02):8-14.
12 三级子母弹分离方案气动数值分析 初景江,李盾.三级子母弹分离方案气动数值分析[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(02):22-28. CHU Jingjiang, LI Dun.Aerodynamic numerical analysis of the threestage submunition separation scheme[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(02):22-28.
13 基于弹靶斜碰的跳弹轨迹预测模型研究 吴应祥,秦有权,卢云柯.基于弹靶斜碰的跳弹轨迹预测模型研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(03):131-136. WU Yingxiang, QIN Youquan, LU Yunke.Prediction model of the ricochet trajectory based on oblique collision of projectile targets[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(03):131-136.
14 典型破片撞击起爆屏蔽B炸药阈值研究 仝远,李德贵,聂源,等.典型破片撞击起爆屏蔽B炸药阈值研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(4):16-21. TONG Yuan, LI Degui, NIE Yuan, et al.Velocity threshold of shock initiation of shielded composition B impacted by typical fragments[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(4):16-21.
15 PBX9404炸药临界起爆特性数值模拟 栗丁丁,何中其.PBX9404炸药临界起爆特性数值模拟[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(4):186-193. LI Dingding, HE Zhongqi.[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(4):186-193.
16 弧形尾翼对弹箭气动特性影响研究 张超,杨文风,孙鑫,等.弧形尾翼对弹箭气动特性影响研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(4):33-38. ZHANG Chao, YANG Wenfeng, SUN Xin, et al.Research on the influence of a curved tail on aerodynamic characteristics of a projectile[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(4):33-38.
17 钨合金破片对聚能装药破甲深度的影响机理 寇鹏飞,陈昕,雷婧宇,等.钨合金破片对聚能装药破甲深度的影响机理[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(4):22-27,32. KOU Pengfei, CHEN Xin, LEI Jingyu, et al.Effect mechanism of tungsten alloy fragments on penetration depth of shaped charge[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(4):22-27,32.
18 内锥型空心弹气动外形与阻力特性数值仿真 李昌坤,郑艳军,钟建华,等.内锥型空心弹气动外形与阻力特性数值仿真[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(5):1-5. LI Changkun, ZHENG Yanjun, ZHONG Jianhua, et al.Numerical simulation of the aerodynamic shape and drag characteristics of inner cone hollow projectiles[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(5): 1-5 .
19 远程尾控制导炮弹气动特性及仿真分析 王桂奇,刘福朝,刘宁,等.远程尾控制导炮弹气动特性及仿真分析[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(5):11-16. WANG Guiqi, LIU Fuchao, LIU Ning, et al.Aerodynamic characteristics and simulation analysis of remote tail control guided projectiles[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(5):11-16.
20 双层增强型爆炸反应装甲抗破甲能力数值模拟研究 胡亚峰,陈维波,李景荣,等.双层增强型爆炸反应装甲抗破甲能力数值模拟研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(5):39-45. HU Yafeng, CHEN Weibo, LI Jingrong, et al.Numerical simulation of armorpiercing resistance of doublelayer reinforced explosive reactive armors[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(5):39-45.
21 装药速度对三波点高度的影响 周至柔,蒋海燕,苏健军,等.装药速度对三波点高度的影响[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(6):11-16. ZHOU Zhirou, JIANG Haiyan, SU Jianjun, et al.Influence of charge speed on the height of three wave points[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(6):11-16.
22 罩间隙对3层串联EFP成型影响数值模拟研究 徐粲,尹建平,张雪朋,等.罩间隙对3层串联EFP成型影响数值模拟研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(6):74-78. XU Can, YIN Jianping, ZHANG Xuepeng, et al.Numerical simulation of the influence of a liner gap on threelayer tandem EFP forming[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(6):74-78.
23 基于CST参数化方法的巡飞弹翼型优化设计 傅砚,姚文进,薛尚捷,等.基于CST参数化方法的巡飞弹翼型优化设计[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(6):133-139. FU Yan, YAO Wenjin, XUE Shangjie, et al.Optimization design of loitering munition airfoils based on the CST parameterization method[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(6):133-139.
24 爆炸近场毁伤冲击参量测量技术综述 郑勇杰,姬建荣,苏健军.爆炸近场毁伤冲击参量测量技术综述[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(7):51-60. ZHENG Yongjie, JI Jianrong, SU Jianjun.Review on impact parameter measurement technology of nearfield explosion damage[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(7):51-60.