

分类:虚拟专刊 发布时间:2024-01-25 13:38 访问量:2992

序号 文章标题 引用格式(中英文)
1 便携式无坐力炮作战效能综合评定 李召,徐文旭,时景峰.便携式无坐力炮作战效能综合评定[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(01):90-95. LI Zhao, XU Wenxu, SHI Jingfeng.Comprehensive evaluation of operational effectiveness of portable recoilless guns[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(01):90-95.
2 残余应力对身管内膛裂纹应力强度因子的影响 冉相辰,李强.残余应力对身管内膛裂纹应力强度因子的影响[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(02):1-7. RAN Xiangchen, LI Qiang.Effect of residual stress on stress intensity factors of inner barrel bore cracks[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(02):1-7.
3 线膛无坐力炮膛线数和弹带结构对挤进过程影响 陆鸿睿,陶钢,苗军,等.线膛无坐力炮膛线数和弹带结构对挤进过程影响[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(03):38-43. LU Hongrui, TAO Gang, MIAO Jun, et al.Influence of the number of rifling and belt structure on the engraving process of rifled recoilless guns[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(03):38-43.
4 轮式自行高炮车体刚强度分析与结构优化 王亮宽,周加永,薛庆阳,等.轮式自行高炮车体刚强度分析与结构优化[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(03):44-48. WANG Liangkuan, ZHOU Jiayong, XUE Qingyang, et al.Stiffness analysis and structure optimization of a wheeled selfpropelled antiaircraft artillery vehicle[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(03):44-48.
5 智能手枪自发电装置设计仿真 朱良材,张亚,李世中,等.智能手枪自发电装置设计仿真[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(03):67-73. ZHU Liangcai, ZHANG Ya, LI Shizhong, et al.Design and simulation of automatic electric devices for smart pistols[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(03):67-73.
6 火炮膛内压力分布及测压器布设的分析 曹红丽,李新娥,闫露,等.火炮膛内压力分布及测压器布设的分析[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(03):74-79. CAO Hongli, LI Xin’e, YAN Lu, et al.Analysis of the pressure distribution in a gun chamber and the pressure gauge layout[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(03):74-79.
7 基于Timoshenko梁理论的枪口振动灵敏度分析及优化 伍代强,徐诚,杨宇召.基于Timoshenko梁理论的枪口振动灵敏度分析及优化[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(03):89-94,157. WU Daiqiang, XU Cheng, YANG Yuzhao.Sensitivity analysis and optimization of gun muzzle vibration based on Timoshenko beam theory[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(03):89-94,157.
8 坦克火控系统自动化测试平台设计 马帅,郭金龙,高云锟,等.坦克火控系统自动化测试平台设计[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(03):261-266. MA Shuai, GUO Jinlong, GAO Yunkun, et al.Design of the automatic test platform for tank fire control system[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(03):261-266.
9 大口径机枪枪管内膛损伤的试验研究 沈超,周克栋,陆野,等.大口径机枪枪管内膛损伤的试验研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(4):1-8. SHEN Chao, ZHOU Kedong, LU Ye, et al.Experimental research on bore damage of large caliber machine gun barrels[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(4):1-8.
10 基于混合现实的自行火炮维修指导系统 朱金达,赵永衡.基于混合现实的自行火炮维修指导系统[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(4):45-52. ZHU Jinda, ZHAO Yongheng.Mixed realitybased selfpropelled artillery repair guidance system[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(4):45-52.
11 基于SDT模型和蒙特卡洛法的枪械抛壳机构公差分析 位跃东,方峻.基于SDT模型和蒙特卡洛法的枪械抛壳机构公差分析[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(4):146-154. WEI Yuedong, FANG Jun.Tolerance analysis of the gun shellthrowing mechanism based on SDT model and Monte Carlo method[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(4):146-154.
12 连射航炮随动系统稳定控制策略研究 覃泽龙,李欣欣,关昊天,等.连射航炮随动系统稳定控制策略研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(5):249-255. QIN Zelong, LI Xinxin, GUAN Haotian, et al.Research on the stability control strategy of the aerial gun servo system with continuous firing[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(5):249-255.
13 基于ADAMS的枪榴弹发射环境研究 邢宇飞,王利.基于ADAMS的枪榴弹发射环境研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(6):161-165,260. XING Yufei, WANG Li.Research on the launching environment of gun grenades based on ADAMS[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(6):161-165,260.
14 基于3DDIC的UHMWPE软质防弹衣性能测试 许倞,温垚珂,陈爱军,等.基于3DDIC的UHMWPE软质防弹衣性能测试[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(7):77-84. XU Liang, WEN Yaoke, CHEN Aijun, et al.Performance tests of UHMWPE soft bulletproof vests based on 3DDIC[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(7):77-84.
15 车载机枪托架行进间发射动力学分析与优化 郁卫星,杨臻,刘万川,等.车载机枪托架行进间发射动力学分析与优化[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(7):94-100. YU Weixing, YANG Zhen, LIU Wanchuan, et al.Dynamic analysis and optimization of vehiclemounted machine gun brackets during moving firing[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(7):94-100.
16 基于射击噪声原理的消音器设计方法研究综述 赵锋,王啸.基于射击噪声原理的消音器设计方法研究综述[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(8):81-87. ZHAO Feng, WANG Xiao.Review on muffler design methods based on shooting noise principles[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(8):81-87.
17 轻型无坐力武器连续射击时炮尾位置温度场的数值分析 陶佳艺,陶钢,李智宇,等.轻型无坐力武器连续射击时炮尾位置温度场的数值分析[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(8):98-102,139. TAO Jiayi, TAO Gang, LI Zhiyu, et al.Numerical analysis of the temperature field at the gun tail of light recoilless weapons during continuous firing[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(8):98-102,139.
18 基于发射药序列装填的火炮内弹道性能优化 李彦君,李全俊,韩智鹏,等.基于发射药序列装填的火炮内弹道性能优化[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(8):154-161. LI Yanjun, LI Quanjun, HAN Zhipeng, et al.Optimization of artillery interior ballistic performance based on sequential loading of propellants[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(8):154-161.
19 不同工况条件下刚性抛壳机构仿真建模分析 管运武,方峻.不同工况条件下刚性抛壳机构仿真建模分析[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(9):178-185. GUAN Yunwu, FANG Jun.Simulation modeling and analysis of rigid shell ejection mechanism under different working conditions[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(9):178-185.
20 弹丸质量偏心对射击初始扰动的影响分析 巫志伟,赵雄飞,霍永清,等.弹丸质量偏心对射击初始扰动的影响分析[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(9):266-271. WU Zhiwei, ZHAO Xiongfei, HUO Yongqing, et al.Influence analysis of projectile mass eccentricity on initial disturbance in the firing process[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(9):266-271.
21 基于无坐力炮复合身管上瞄准镜座的系统可靠性研究 孙向东,戴泓源,梁勇,等.基于无坐力炮复合身管上瞄准镜座的系统可靠性研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(10):39-44. SUN Xiangdong, DAI Hongyuan, LIANG Yong, et al.Research of system reliability based on sight mount on composite barrel of recoilless gun[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(10):39-44.
22 身管内表面烧蚀磨损研究进展 朱梦然,曹京华,先赫,等.身管内表面烧蚀磨损研究进展[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(10):159-164,181. ZHU Mengran, CAO Jinghua, XIAN He, et al.Research progress of erosion on inner bore surface of gun barrel[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(10):159-164,181.
23 上架结构参数与弹丸起始扰动映射关系的研究 梁恩佐,顾克秋.上架结构参数与弹丸起始扰动映射关系的研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(10):217-223. LIANG Enzuo, GU Keqiu.Influence of top carriage parameters and initial disturbance of projectile[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(10):217-223.
24 冲击反作用式炮口制退器数值模拟分析 曲普,刘宇豪,李强.冲击反作用式炮口制退器数值模拟分析[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(10):224-229. QU Pu, LIU YUhao, LI Qiang.Numerical simulation analysis of impact reaction muzzle brake[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(10):224-229.
25 坦克行驶扬尘浓度场时空分布特性研究 依研,杨丽,白明健.坦克行驶扬尘浓度场时空分布特性研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(12):40-45,72. YI Yan, YANG Li, BAI Mingjian.Study on the spatiotemporal distribution characteristics of dust concentration field during tank driving[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(12):40-45,72.
26 基于遗传算法的电磁炮缓冲器设计方法 李明华,曹广群,薛彦云,等.基于遗传算法的电磁炮缓冲器设计方法[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(12):197-203,262. LI Minghua, CAO Guangqun, XUE Yanyun, et al.Design method of electromagnetic gun buffer based on genetic algorithm[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(12):197-203,262.
27 不同部件变形对转管机枪枪口扰动的影响分析 王晓峰,薛百文,杨臻,等.不同部件变形对转管机枪枪口扰动的影响分析[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(12):214-219. WANG Xiaofeng, XUE Baiwen, YANG Zhen, et al.Analysis of the influence of different component deformations on the disturbance of the gatling gun muzzle[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(12):214-219.
28 坡膛加工误差对内弹道性能影响仿真研究 樊江涛,李强,冉相辰,等.坡膛加工误差对内弹道性能影响仿真研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(12):220-226. FAN Jiangtao, LI Qiang, RAN Xiangchen, et al.Simulation study on the influence of slope bore processing error on internal ballistic performance[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(12):220-226.
29 圆柱形膛口装置对膛口流场的影响研究 张文涛,杨臻,徐健,等.圆柱形膛口装置对膛口流场的影响研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(12):227-233. ZHANG Wentao, YANG Zhen, XU Jian, et al.Research on the influence of cylindrical muzzle device on muzzle flow field[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(12):227-233.