Supervisor: Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau
Organizer: Chongqing Ordnance Industry Society
Chongqing University of Technology

Establishment and verification of rubbing force model considering the influence of coating hardness

DOI: 10.11809/bqzbgcxb2024.12.013
Keywords: hertz contact rubbing force model; scraping work friction model; coating hardness; rubbing force correction; rapid calculation of rubbing force
Abstract: In order to realize the fast and effective prediction of the rubbing force, the modified friction force model was used as the characterization model, and the modular program design was used to achieve a fast solution. Based on the classic Hertz contact friction force and scraping work friction models, combined with the existing friction test data, the two types of force models were modified. At the same time, the MATLAB language was used to develop a fast solution software for the rotor static system rubbing force, which could quickly complete the calculation of the rotor stator rubbing dynamics equation, and obtained the dynamic response of the rotor system and the rubbing force under the action of rubbing load. The results show that the unmodified classical friction model deviates greatly from the test results due to the lack of consideration of the influence of deep hardness, and the calculated results of the modified friction model are closer to the test results, especially the accuracy of the modified scraping work friction model in predicting the friction force is higher. The deviation between the calculation results of radial rubbing force and the test results is within 6%, and the deviation of tangential rubbing force is within 1%. Moreover, the solution efficiency of the self developed friction force calculation software is greatly improved compared with the commercial software, which solves the problem of low solution speed of explicit dynamic analysis in the commercial software. The proposed method of correction and calculation of rubbing force, as well as the developed software for the rapid calculation of the rubbing force can provide support for the gap design of the rotary stator system.
Issue: Vol. 45 No. 12 (2024)
Published: 2024-12-30