Supervisor: Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau
Organizer: Chongqing Ordnance Industry Society
Chongqing University of Technology

Preparation and properties analysis of high performance Copper/aluminum composite materials

DOI: 10.11809/bqzbgcxb2024.12.031
Keywords: explosive welding; conductivity rate; shear strength; tensile strength; stick shaped; 2A12/T2
Abstract: In order to improve the comprehensive properties and simplify the production process, pure copper (T2) and aluminum alloy (2A12) were used as raw materials, and high performance T2/2A12 rod composites were successfully prepared by explosive compounding. The interface structure, mechanical properties and electrical conductivity of T2/2A12 composites were studied. The results show that the bonding interface of T2/2A12 composite was between flat interface and wavy interface, and a diffusion layer of about 7 μm was formed, which achieved good metallurgical bonding. The results show that the tensile strength of the T2/2A12 composite in the explosive state is 96.5 MPa, the shear strength is 551 MPa, the elongation rate of 17%, and conductivity of 67%. The microhardness distribution from the bonding interface to the matrix is uniform, and the hardness near the interface is slightly higher than that of the matrix due to work hardening.
Issue: Vol. 45 No. 12 (2024)
Published: 2024-12-30