为此,本文针对长径比对弹体斜侵彻多层混凝土靶姿态偏转影响的问题,采用数值仿真及次口径侵彻试验研究了不同长径比弹体在710 m/s初速、10°着角情况下侵彻5层混凝土靶的姿态偏转规律;结合弹体受力情况,从理论上定性分析了长径比对弹体姿态的影响规律,为钻地弹的结构设计提供参考。
图1 弹体结构示意图
Fig.1 Schematic diagram of projectile structure
表1 弹体材料主要性能参数
Table1 The mechanical parameters of projectile
密度ρ/(g·cm-3)杨氏模量E/GPa泊松比μ屈服强度σs/MPaG507.762060.31 450HMX1.820.50.47162
表2 3种方案弹体结构参数
Table 2 The structural parameters of three projectiles
根据表2参数加工试验弹体,如图2所示。弹体采用320 mm平衡炮次口径发射,利用高速摄影对弹体侵彻混凝土靶全过程进行追踪记录,试验后分析弹体的速度及偏转情况。5层混凝土靶如图3所示,试验前实测混凝土靶抗压强度为41.3 MPa;第1层厚度300 mm,后4层厚度为180 mm,靶面垂直间距2 mm,靶面与水平夹角80°;第1~3层靶迎弹面尺寸为1.5 m×1.5 m,第4~5层靶迎弹面尺寸为2 m×2 m;试验现场布局如图4所示。
图2 弹体实物图
Fig.2 Experimental projectile
图3 5层混凝土靶实物图
Fig.3 Experimental concrete targets
图4 试验现场布局示意图
Fig.4 Layout of the experiment
图5 回收弹体状态图
Fig.5 Projectile after the test
图6 长径比4.01弹体侵彻过程示意图
Fig.6 Penetration process of the projectile with length-diameter ratio 4.01
图7 长径比4.46弹体侵彻过程示意图
Fig.7 Penetration process of the projectile with length-diameter ratio 4.46
图8 长径比4.92弹体侵彻过程示意图
Fig.8 Penetration process of the projectile with length-diameter ratio 4.92
表3 试验结果
Table 3 The experimental results
图9 3种长径比弹体试验偏转角度曲线
Fig.9 Comparison of experimental trajectory deflection angle of three length-diameter ratio projectiles
利用ANSYS/LS-DYNA 软件,依据表2弹体参数及试验中靶板尺寸建立数值仿真模型,如图10所示。壳体及后盖G50材料选用带应变率效应的Johnson-Cook材料模型;内部装药材料选择Plastic-Kinematic模型;混凝土靶采用HJC强度模型,密度为2 440 kg/m3,抗压强度为41.3 MPa;HJC模型的主要性能参数见表4。
图10 数值仿真模型示意图
Fig.10 Schematic diagram of projectile and target
表4 混凝土HJC模型主要参数
Table 4 Parameters of HJC model for concrete
对3种长径比弹体方案进行数值仿真计算,初速为710 m/s,着角10。计算完成后读取撞靶时刻弹体姿态偏转角度,列于表5中。弹体偏转角度随靶板层数增加变化情况如图11~图13所示。
图11 长径比4.01弹体数值仿真结果云图
Fig.11 Simulation results of the projectile with length-diameter ratio 4.01
图12 长径比4.46弹体数值仿真结果云图
Fig.12 Simulation results of the projectile with length-diameter ratio 4.46
图13 长径比4.92弹体数值仿真结果云图
Fig.13 Simulation results of the projectile with length-diameter ratio 4.92
表5 数值仿真结果
Table 5 Simulation results
图14 3种长径比弹体数值仿真偏转角度曲线
Fig.14 Comparison of numerical simulation trajectory deflection angle of three length-width ration projectiles
图15~图17为3种长径比弹体偏转角度试验结果与仿真结果曲线,试验测得出靶速度与数值计算最大偏差为 8.25%,弹体出靶偏转角度与数值计算最大偏差为8.06%,数值仿真计算结果与试验结果符合较好。
图15 长径比4.01弹体试验与仿真结果曲线
Fig.15 Comparison of experimental and numerical simulation of the projectile with length-diameter ratio 4.01
图16 长径比4.46弹体试验与仿真结果曲线
Fig.16 Comparison of experimental and numerical simulation of the projectile with length-diameter ratio 4.46
图17 长径比4.92弹体试验与仿真结果曲线
Fig.17 Comparison of experimental and numerical simulation of the projectile with length-diameter ratio 4.92
图18 弹体侵彻混凝土靶受力过程示意图
Fig.18 Schematic diagram of projectile penetrate the concrete target
图19 弹体偏转角度随长径比变化曲线
Fig.19 The curve between trajectory deflection angle and length-diameter ratio of projectile
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Citation format:ZHANG Bo,ZHANG Dingshan,LYU Yongzhu,et al.Influence of length-diameter ratio on the attitude of projectile penetrating into muti-layer concrete targets[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2022,43(03):156-161.