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引用格式(中英文) |
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机枪系统支撑发射动力学特性及散布精度研究 |
华洪良,廖振强,郭魂,等.机枪系统支撑发射动力学特性及散布精度研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2022,43(01):42-47. HUA Hongliang, LIAO Zhenqiang, GUO Hun, et al.Study on launch dynamics and dispersion accuracy of a machine gun system with supporting structures[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2022,43(01):42-47. |
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基于拓扑优化的航炮炮塔轻量化研究 |
刘镔,李勇,申亚琳.基于拓扑优化的航炮炮塔轻量化研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2022,43(01):86-92. LIU Bin, LI Yong, SHEN Yalin.Research on lightweight of aircraft gun turret based on topology optimization[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2022,43(01):86-92. |
3 |
机枪枪管失效分析 |
单永海,丁述宇,高亢.机枪枪管失效分析[J].兵器装备工程学报,2022,43(01):107-113. SHAN Yonghai, DING Shuyu, GAO Kang.Failure analysis of machinegun barrel[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2022,43(01):107-113. |
4 |
面向性能分析的枪械数字样机设计与实现 |
苑大威,夏雪蛟,李晓寅.面向性能分析的枪械数字样机设计与实现[J].兵器装备工程学报,2022,43(02):72-77,110. YUAN Dawei, XIA Xuejiao, LI Xiaoyin.Design and Implementation of Firearms Digital Prototype for Performance Analysis[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2022,43(02):72-77,110. |
5 |
火炮回转半径间接测量方法比较 |
霍李,宫新宇,王媛,等.火炮回转半径间接测量方法比较[J].兵器装备工程学报,2022,43(02):97-104. HUO Li,GONG Xinyu,WANG Yuan,et al.Comparison of indirect measurement for gun rotation radius[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2022,43(02):97-104. |
6 |
连射身管温度场及弹丸扰动分析 |
赵磊,王惠源,程斌,等.连射身管温度场及弹丸扰动分析[J].兵器装备工程学报,2022,43(02):85-91. ZHAO Lei, WANG Huiyuan, CHENG Bin, et al.Temperature field and bullet coupling analysis of continuous shot barrel[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2022,43(02):85-91. |
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火炮身管内膛表面疵病检测系统的设计与研究 |
路卓,江剑.火炮身管内膛表面疵病检测系统的设计与研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2022,43(03):112-118. LU Zhuo, JIANG Jian.Design and research of the inspection system for the surface defects of the artillery tube [J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2022,43(03):112-118. |
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某火炮药协调臂系统位置控制研究 |
姜旭阳,李志刚,石欢.某火炮药协调臂系统位置控制研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2022,43(03):119-124. JIANG Xuyang, LI Zhigang, SHI Huan.Research on position control of gunpowder coordinating arm system for a certain artillery [J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2022,43(03):119-124. |
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基于平衡算法的无坐力炮不平衡冲量研究 |
薛举元,陶钢,王鹏,等.基于平衡算法的无坐力炮不平衡冲量研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2022,43(04):1-6. XUE Juyuan, TAO Gang, WANG Peng, et al.Study on unbalanced impulse of recoilless gun based on balance algorithm[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2022,43(04):1-6. |
10 |
非致命动能弹头部冲击响应分析 |
于小牧,汪送.非致命动能弹头部冲击响应分析[J].兵器装备工程学报,2022,43(04):67-73. YU Xiaomu, WANG Song.Head impact response analysis of nonlethal kinetic energy projectiles[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2022,43(04):67-73. |
11 |
基于动网格的穿甲弹脱壳过程仿真研究 |
王琪,曹红松,刘峰,等.基于动网格的穿甲弹脱壳过程仿真研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2022,43(05):63-71. WANG Qi, CAO Hongsong, LIU Feng, et al.Simulation research on shelling process of armorpiercing projectile based on dynamic mesh[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2022,43(05):63-71. |
12 |
火炮俯仰伺服系统力矩自平衡补偿控制 |
代普,韩崇伟,张高生,等.火炮俯仰伺服系统力矩自平衡补偿控制[J].兵器装备工程学报,2022,43(05):204-209,245. DAI Pu, HAN Chongwei, ZHANG Gaosheng, et al.Torque self balance compensation control of gun pitching servo system[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2022,43(05):204-209,245. |
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自行火炮身管指向测量关键技术综述 |
程泽俊,滕红智,韩兰懿,等.自行火炮身管指向测量关键技术综述[J].兵器装备工程学报,2022,43(06):29-36. CHENG Zejun, TENG Hongzhi, HAN Lanyi, et al.Summarization on key technology of selfpropelled artillery barrel aiming direction measurement[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2022,43(06):29-36. |
14 |
火炮身管疲劳损伤及其健康监测研究 |
李慧杰,吴斌,郑靖.火炮身管疲劳损伤及其健康监测研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2022,43(06):90-95,101. LI Huijie, WU Bin, ZHENG Jing.Fatigue behavior and safety evaluation of gun barrel[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2022,43(06):90-95,101. |
15 |
内弹道雷达的枪械膛压非接触式测量方法 |
景春阳,经哲,杜炽旭.内弹道雷达的枪械膛压非接触式测量方法[J].兵器装备工程学报,2022,43(06):141-146. JING Chunyang, JING Zhe, DU Chixu.Noncontact measurement method of chamber pressure of firearms based on interior ballistic radar[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2022,43(06):141-146. |
16 |
基于Fluent的火炮减后坐喷管数值计算与分析 |
薛滨,何永,胡元涛.基于Fluent的火炮减后坐喷管数值计算与分析[J].兵器装备工程学报,2022,43(06):162-168. XUE Bin, HE Yong, HU Yuantao.Numerical calculation and analysis of gun recoil nozzle based on fluent[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2022,43(06):162-168. |
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电涡流阻尼器布置方式对炮口振动的对比性研究 |
谢子豪,刘宁,黄建文,等.电涡流阻尼器布置方式对炮口振动的对比性研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2022,43(06):204-209. XIE Zihao, LIU Ning, HUANG Jianwen, et al.Comparative study on effect of eddy current damper arrangement on muzzle vibration[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2022,43(06):204-209. |
18 |
基于GA优化的SVR对膛线切削力的预测 |
刘洋,关世玺,赵宏,等.基于GA优化的SVR对膛线切削力的预测[J].兵器装备工程学报,2022,43(06):232-238. LIU Yang, GUAN Shixi, ZHAO Hong, et al.Prediction of rifling cutting force by support vector machine based on genetic algorithm optimization[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2022,43(06):232-238. |
19 |
基于命中破片数的高炮武器射击控制理论建模与数值预测 |
王亮宽,吴潇璞,杨卫超,等.基于命中破片数的高炮武器射击控制理论建模与数值预测[J].兵器装备工程学报,2022,43(07):96-100. WANG Liangkuan, WU Xiaopu, YANG Weichao, et al.Research on firing control theory model and numeric prediction of antiaircraft artillery weapon based on hit fragments number[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2022,43(07):96-100. |
20 |
耦合内弹道两相流模型的炮管热安全性研究 |
孙玉佳,张小兵.耦合内弹道两相流模型的炮管热安全性研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2022,43(07):115-120. SUN Yujia, ZHANG Xiaobing.Thermal safety analysis of gun barrel based on twophase interior ballistics models[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2022,43(07):115-120. |
21 |
自动机曲线导轨动载冲击研究 |
豆征,赵建中,刘建斌,等.自动机曲线导轨动载冲击研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2022,43(07):152-158. DOU Zheng, ZHAO Jianzhong, LIU Jianbin, et al.Research on dynamic load impact of curve guide rail of automatic gun[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2022,43(07):152-158. |
22 |
基于数字摄影测量的火炮质心高度测量方法 |
崔爱莲,关士成,金毅,等.基于数字摄影测量的火炮质心高度测量方法[J].兵器装备工程学报,2022,43(07):266-270,308. CUI Ailian, GUAN Shicheng, JIN Yi, et al.Research on measuring method of artillery center of mass height based on digital photogrammetry[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2022,43(07):266-270,308. |
23 |
基于CNN的枪械关重件复杂加工特征识别 |
邵海瑞,刘伊华,王希阔,等.基于CNN的枪械关重件复杂加工特征识别[J].兵器装备工程学报,2022,43(08):304-310. SHAO Hairui, LIU Yihua, WANG Xikuo, et al.Recognition of complex processing features of firearm key important parts based on convolutional neural network[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2022,43(08):304-310. |
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自行高炮自动机身管热特性研究 |
赵耀,郑海文,刘胜超,等.自行高炮自动机身管热特性研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2022,43(10):114-119. ZHAO Yao, ZHENG Haiwen, LIU Shengchao, et al.Study on thermal characteristics of automatic mechanism tube of selfpropelled antiair gun[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2022,43(10):114-119. |
25 |
变工况条件下的通用机枪身管温度场与烧蚀特性分析 |
刘振华,方峻,杨晨.变工况条件下的通用机枪身管温度场与烧蚀特性分析[J].兵器装备工程学报,2022,43(10):137-145. LIU Zhenhua, FANG Jun, YANG Chen.Analysis oftemperature field and ablation characteristics of general machine gun barrel under variable operating conditions[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2022,43(10):137-145. |
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基于遗传算法的转管武器凸轮曲线优化设计 |
于家辉,王惠源,张成卿,等.基于遗传算法的转管武器凸轮曲线优化设计[J].兵器装备工程学报,2022,43(10):152-157. YU Jiahui, WANG Huiyuan, ZHANG Chengqing, et al.Optimization and design of cam curve groove for gatling gun based on genetic algorithm[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2022,43(10):152-157. |
27 |
手枪弹对人体胸部模拟靶标的侵彻机理研究 |
张俊斌,黄雪鹰,李子轩,等.手枪弹对人体胸部模拟靶标的侵彻机理研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2022,43(11):25-31. ZHANG Junbin, HUANG Xueying, LI Zixuan, et al.Research on pistol bullet penetration into human chest simulated target[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2022,43(11):25-31. |
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速射迫击炮翻转协调式新型供弹机设计 |
胡元涛,何永,薛德宸,等.速射迫击炮翻转协调式新型供弹机设计[J].兵器装备工程学报,2022,43(11):160-166. HU Yuantao, HE Yong, XUE Dechen, et al.Design of a new type of flip coordinated ammunition feeder for rapid fire mortar[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2022,43(11):160-166. |
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155mm火炮不同膛线结构与弹带作用力研究 |
刘欢,刘朋科,宁变芳,等.155 mm火炮不同膛线结构与弹带作用力研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2022,43(11):187-193. LIU Huan, LIU Pengke, NING Bianfang, et al.Study on force of different rifling structures and rotating band of 155 mm artillery[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2022,43(11):187-193. |
30 |
火炮弹丸落点散布的区间多目标优化设计 |
佟妮宸,吴兴富,刘启明.火炮弹丸落点散布的区间多目标优化设计[J].兵器装备工程学报,2022,43(11):202-213. TONG Nichen, WU Xingfu, LIU Qiming.Interval multiobjective optimization design for dispersion of projectile landing points[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2022,43(11):202-213. |
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基于变步长龙格库塔法的高炮C-RAM解命中方法 |
刘新宇,舒立鹏,林智伟,等.基于变步长龙格库塔法的高炮C-RAM解命中方法[J].兵器装备工程学报,2022,43(11):297-304. LIU Xinyu, SHU Lipeng, LIN Zhiwei, et al.Hit solving method of antiaircraft gun CRAM based on variable step size RungeKutta method[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2022,43(11):297-304. |
32 |
轻量化复合材料枪管振动特性分析 |
程振文,赵磊,吴志林.轻量化复合材料枪管振动特性分析[J].兵器装备工程学报,2022,43(12):153-157. CHENG Zhenwen, ZHAO Lei, WU Zhilin.Analysis of vibration characteristics of lightweight composite barrels[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2022,43(12):153-157. |
33 |
电磁轨道炮试验装置动态特性动力学分析 |
李四超,刘可可.电磁轨道炮试验装置动态特性动力学分析[J].兵器装备工程学报,2022,43(12):177-181. LI Sichao, LIU Keke.Dynamic characteristics analysis of electromagnetic railgun experimental equipment[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2022,43(12):177-181. |
34 |
火炮随动系统自适应滑模控制算法研究 |
张高生,马捷,李伟,等.火炮随动系统自适应滑模控制算法研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2022,43(S1):108-112. ZHANG Gaosheng, MA Jie, LI Wei, et al.Research on adaptive sliding mode control algorithm for artillery servo system[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2022,43(S1):108-112. |
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单侧三开口炮口减压装置减压效果研究 |
赵明升,周栋,田明俊,等.单侧三开口炮口减压装置减压效果研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2022,43(S1):185-191. ZHAO Mingsheng, ZHOU Dong, TIAN Mingjun, et al.Research on decompression effect of muzzle decompression attachment of single side three hole[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2022,43(S1):185-191. |
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枪械综合寿命试验方案改进研究 |
单永海,高亢,高显明,等.枪械综合寿命试验方案改进研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2022,43(S2):7-11. SHAN Yonghai, GAO Kang, GAO Xianming, et al.Study on improvement of the comprehensive life test scheme of firearms[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2022,43(S2):7-11. |
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基于未来空域窗的多炮协同射击序列仿真 |
邱磊,卢发兴.基于未来空域窗的多炮协同射击序列仿真[J].兵器装备工程学报,2022,43(S2):69-74. QIU Lei, LU Faxing.Simulation of multigun cooperative firing sequence based on future airspace window[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2022,43(S2):69-74. |