序号 | 文章标题 | 引用格式(中英文) |
1 | 发射车液压油缸应力分析与弱磁损伤探测技术研究 | 刘涛,朱遴,李志成,等.发射车液压油缸应力分析与弱磁损伤探测技术研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(01):38-42,72. LIU Tao, ZHU Lin, LI Zhicheng, et al.Research on stress analysis and weak magnetic damage detection technology of the hydraulic cylinder of a missile launching vehicle[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(01):38-42,72. |
2 | 轮式自行高炮车体刚强度分析与结构优化 | 王亮宽,周加永,薛庆阳,等.轮式自行高炮车体刚强度分析与结构优化[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(03):44-48. WANG Liangkuan, ZHOU Jiayong, XUE Qingyang, et al.Stiffness analysis and structure optimization of a wheeled selfpropelled antiaircraft artillery vehicle[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(03):44-48. |
3 | 轮腿式无人战车越障性能分析 | 许志伟,朱纪洪.轮腿式无人战车越障性能分析[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(5):59-66. XU Zhiwei, ZHU Jihong.Analysis of obstaclecrossing performance of wheellegged unmanned combat vehicles[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(5):59-66. |
4 | 变几何涡轮与可调喷管发动机总体性能研究 | 吴川,赵军,陶睿.变几何涡轮与可调喷管发动机总体性能研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(5):67-76. WU Chuan, ZHAO Jun, TAO Rui.Study on general engine performance of variable geometry turbines and adjustable nozzle[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(5):67-76. |
5 | 模拟爆炸冲击载荷的防雷座椅跌落试验研究 | 傅耀宇,牛善田,闫际宇,等.模拟爆炸冲击载荷的防雷座椅跌落试验研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(6):154-160. FU Yaoyu, NIU Shantian, YAN Jiyu, et al.Drop tests of lightning protection seats in simulation of explosion impact load[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(6):154-160. |
6 | 重型特种装备车辆多轴协调速度控制方法研究 | 菊睿,李孝全,刘海平,等.重型特种装备车辆多轴协调速度控制方法研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(6):254-260. JU Rui, LI Xiaoquan, LIU Haiping, et al.Research on the multiaxis coordinated speed control method of heavy special equipment vehicles[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(6):254-260. |
7 | 履带车辆加速性性能泛函及数值求解 | 邹天刚,毛飞鸿,张金乐,等.履带车辆加速性性能泛函及数值求解[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(7):72-76. ZOU Tiangang, MAO Feihong, ZHANG Jinle, et al.Functional and numerical solutions of acceleration performance of tracked vehicles[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(7):72-76. |
8 | 车载机枪托架行进间发射动力学分析与优化 | 郁卫星,杨臻,刘万川,等.车载机枪托架行进间发射动力学分析与优化[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(7):94-100. YU Weixing, YANG Zhen, LIU Wanchuan, et al.Dynamic analysis and optimization of vehiclemounted machine gun brackets during moving firing[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(7):94-100. |
9 | 装甲车防雷座椅抗冲击试验的测试与数据分析方法 | 任佳,杨建波,刘小川.装甲车防雷座椅抗冲击试验的测试与数据分析方法[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(7):142-149. REN Jia, YANG Jianbo, LIU Xiaochuan.Measurement and data analysis of antiimpact tests for armored vehicle lightning seats[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(7):142-149. |
10 | 高机动重卡车架系统结构设计 | 李伟,张晓宇,王磊,等.高机动重卡车架系统结构设计[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(8):41-49. LI Wei, ZHANG Xiaoyu, WANG Lei, et al.Structural design of the highmobility heavyduty truck frame system[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(8):41-49. |
11 | 多轴特种车辆的侧翻指标优化分析 | 杨健福,程洪杰,刘志浩,等.多轴特种车辆的侧翻指标优化分析[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(9):134-142. YANG Jianfu, CHENG Hongjie, LIU Zhihao, et al.Optimization analysis of rollover index of multiaxle special vehicles[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(9):134-142. |
12 | 新材料两栖车身关重位置动刚度分析优化 | 孙旭光,李钊,孙晓策,等.新材料两栖车身关重位置动刚度分析优化[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(9):211-215,253. SUN Xuguang, LI Zhao, SUN Xiaoce, et al.Modal stiffness analysis and optimization design for key position of a new material body of an amphibious vehicle[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(9):211-215,253. |
13 | 破片侵彻下柴油机毁伤概率计算方法 | 丁铭,刘永寿,翟红波,等.破片侵彻下柴油机毁伤概率计算方法[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(11):145-155. DING Ming, LIU Yongshou, ZHAI Hongbo, et al.Calculation method of damage probability of diesel engine under fragment penetration[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(11):145-155. |
14 | 坦克行驶扬尘浓度场时空分布特性研究 | 依研,杨丽,白明健.坦克行驶扬尘浓度场时空分布特性研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(12):40-45,72. YI Yan, YANG Li, BAI Mingjian.Study on the spatiotemporal distribution characteristics of dust concentration field during tank driving[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(12):40-45,72. |
15 | 装甲战车隐身技术的研究现状及应用 | 方涛,赵琴,张官亮.装甲战车隐身技术的研究现状及应用[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(12):133-140. FANG Tao, ZHAO Qin, ZHANG Guanliang.Research status and application of stealth technology for armored fighting vehicle[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(12):133-140. |
16 | 防空导弹发射车易损性建模与毁伤仿真评估 | 陈磊,石全,宋明昌,等.防空导弹发射车易损性建模与毁伤仿真评估[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(12):190-196. CHEN Lei, SHI Quan, SONG Mingchang, et al.Air defense missile launcher vulnerability modeling and damage simulation evaluation[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(12):190-196. |
17 | 车用爪极发电机新型三维分段等效磁路法研究 | 杨宇哲,赵博,孙金涛,等.车用爪极发电机新型三维分段等效磁路法研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(01):159-167. YANG Yuzhe, ZHAO Bo, SUN Jintao, et al.Research on a new threedimensional segmented equivalent magnetic circuit method for vehicle claw pole generators[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(01):159-167. |
18 | 爆炸冲击下乘员下肢保护装置仿生设计与优化 | 覃凌云,杨书仪,戴巨川,等.爆炸冲击下乘员下肢保护装置仿生设计与优化[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(03):95-103. QIN Lingyun, YANG Shuyi, DAI Juchuan, et al.Bionic design and optimization of the occupant lower limb protection device under explosion shock[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(03):95-103. |
19 | 坦克火控系统自动化测试平台设计 | 马帅,郭金龙,高云锟,等.坦克火控系统自动化测试平台设计[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(03):261-266. MA Shuai, GUO Jinlong, GAO Yunkun, et al.Design of the automatic test platform for tank fire control system[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(03):261-266. |
20 | 基于Encoder-Decoder注意力网络的异常驾驶行为在线识别方法 | 唐坤,戴语琴,徐永能,等.基于EncoderDecoder注意力网络的异常驾驶行为在线识别方法[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(8):63-71. TANG Kun, DAI Yuqin, XU Yongneng, et al.Online recognition methods of abnormal driving based on EncoderDecoder attention network[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(8):63-71. |