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引用格式(中英文) |
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海藻酸盐/HMX复合含能材料的制备及性能研究 |
秦潇楠,李小东,赵悦,等.海藻酸盐/HMX复合含能材料的制备及性能研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(01):241-247. QIN Xiaonan, LI Xiaodong, ZHAO Yue, et al.Preparation and properties of alginate/HMX composite energetic materials[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(01):241-247. |
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炸药爆热测量方法及应用的研究进展 |
王浩旭,昝继超,贾路川,等.炸药爆热测量方法及应用的研究进展[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(01):20-28. WANG Haoxu, ZAN Jichao, JIA Luchuan, et al.Research progress of the measurement method and its application of detonation heat of explosives[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(01):20-28. |
3 |
喷雾干燥法制备HMX基含铝炸药的工艺优化 |
关云飞,吴鹏飞,李小东,等.喷雾干燥法制备HMX基含铝炸药的工艺优化[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(01):233-240. GUAN Yunfei, WU Pengfei, LI Xiaodong,et al.Process optimization of preparation of HMXbased aluminized explosives through the spraydrying method[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(01):233-240. |
4 |
改性双基推进剂RDX-CMDB的热安全性研究 |
焦枫媛,郭家鑫,王晶禹,等.改性双基推进剂RDX-CMDB的热安全性研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(02):167-173. JIAO Fengyuan,GUO Jiaxin,WANG Jingyu,et al.Study on thermal safety of RDX-CMDB[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(02):167-173. |
5 |
Al/PTFE活性材料在炸药爆轰作用下的响应特性研究 |
李凌峰,王辉,韩秀凤,等.Al/PTFE活性材料在炸药爆轰作用下的响应特性研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(02):174-179. LI Lingfeng, WANG Hui, HAN Xiufeng, et al.Research on the response characteristics of Al/PTFE active materials under explosive detonation[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(02):174-179. |
6 |
TKX-50/BTF双组分炸药与黏结剂间界面作用的MD模拟 |
高富炳,范家珂,安崇伟.TKX-50/BTF双组分炸药与黏结剂间界面作用的MD模拟[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(02):180-186. GAO Fubing,FAN Jiake,AN Chongwei.Molecular dynamics simulation of the interface interaction between the TKX-50/BTF two-component explosive and binders[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(02):180-186. |
7 |
基于咪唑并[4,5-d]哒嗪设计潜在高能量密度化合物 |
康润宇,贺增弟,赵林秀,等.基于咪唑并[4,5-d]哒嗪设计潜在高能量密度化合物[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(02):195-202,224. KANG Runyu,HE Zengdi,ZHAO Linxiu,et al.Design of potentially high energy density compounds based on 1H-imidazo[4,5-d]pyridazine[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(02):195-202,224. |
8 |
PBX-9404炸药临界起爆特性数值模拟 |
栗丁丁,何中其.PBX-9404炸药临界起爆特性数值模拟[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(4):186-193. LI Dingding, HE Zhongqi.[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(4):186-193. |
9 |
TNT爆炸温度场热作用规律实验研究 |
郑勇杰,苏健军,姬建荣,等.TNT爆炸温度场热作用规律实验研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(6):103-107,147. ZHENG Yongjie, SU Jianjun, JI Jianrong, et al.Experimental study on the thermal action law of TNT explosion temperature field[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(6):103-107,147. |
10 |
共晶理论与含能共晶材料研究进展 |
韩志跃,自荣才,于跃,等.共晶理论与含能共晶材料研究进展[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(7):39-50. HAN Zhiyue, ZI Rongcai, YU Yue, et al.Research progress of cocrystallization theory and energetic cocrystallization materials[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(7):39-50. |
11 |
2,4-二硝基苯甲醚基熔铸炸药的烤燃机理分析 |
段继,智小琦.2,4-二硝基苯甲醚基熔铸炸药的烤燃机理分析[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(8):13-18. DUAN Ji, ZHI Xiaoqi.Analysis of thermal response characteristics of 2,4-dinitroanisole melt-cast explosive [J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(8):13-18. |
12 |
键合型相变材料的制备及其对细粒度AP包覆降感作用研究 |
刘云杰, 张天福, 贾云娟,等.键合型相变材料的制备及其对细粒度AP包覆降感作用研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(9):93-99. LIU Yunjie, ZHANG Tianfu, JIA Yunjuan, et al.Preparation of bondingtype phase change material and its desensitization coating effect on finegrained AP study[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(9):93-99. |
13 |
NC/Bu-NENA基推进剂性能研究(Ⅲ):安定性、力学性能及机械感度 |
袁志锋,胡松启,韩进朝,等.NC/Bu-NENA基推进剂性能研究(Ⅲ):安定性、力学性能及机械感度[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(9):108-113,194. YUAN Zhifeng, HU Songqi, HAN Jinchao, et al.Study of NC/BuNENA based propellant’s properties(Ⅲ): stability, mechanical property, mechanical sensitivity[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(9):108-113,194. |
14 |
铅铜催化剂在低铝HTPE推进剂中的应用研究 |
任蕊,刘长义,高喜飞,等.铅铜催化剂在低铝HTPE推进剂中的应用研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(9):114-121. REN Rui, LIU Changyi, GAO Xifei, et al.Research on the application of lead copper catalysts in low aluminum HTPE propellants[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(9):114-121. |
15 |
NOFBX推进剂技术的发展概况 |
逄凯,李新艳,李效斯,等.NOFBX推进剂技术的发展概况[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(10):147-158. PANG Kai, LI Xinyan, LI Xiaosi, et al.Review of the development of NOFBX propellant technology[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(10):147-158. |
16 |
DNTF基炸药的起爆传爆特性研究 |
张广华,沈飞,李凌峰,等.DNTF基炸药的起爆传爆特性研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(12):111-116. ZHANG Guanghua, SHEN Fei, LI Lingfeng, et al.Research on initiation and detonation characteristics of a DNTF based explosive[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(12):111-116. |
17 |
远程光谱识别法爆炸火光特征分析 |
苏海鑫,王长利,刘吉,等.远程光谱识别法爆炸火光特征分析[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(12):117-122. U Haixin, WANG Changli, LIU Ji, et al.Analysis of explosion firelight characteristics by remote spectrum identification method[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(12):117-122. |
18 |
基于JWL-Miller状态方程非理想炸药水中爆炸载荷模拟 |
谷鸿平,陈达,张立建,等.基于JWLMiller状态方程非理想炸药水中爆炸载荷模拟[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(10):293-299. GU Hongping, CHEN Da, ZHANG Lijian, et al.Numerical simulation of underwater explosion load produced by nonideal explosives based on JWLMiller equation of state[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(10):293-299. |
19 |
高转速下膛内装药发射安定性仿真分析 |
何司璐,赵太勇,蒋显松,等.高转速下膛内装药发射安定性仿真分析[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(9):122-133. HE Silu, ZHAO Taiyong, JIANG Xiansong, et al.Simulation analysis of launch stability of inbore charge at high speed[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(9):122-133. |
20 |
基于离散元仿真的固体推进剂用氧化剂称量工艺优化 |
邱磊,卢翰,俞成蛟,等.基于离散元仿真的固体推进剂用氧化剂称量工艺优化[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(9):100-107. QIU Lei, LU Han, YU Chengjiao, et al.Optimization of oxidizer weighing process for solid propellant based on discrete element simulation[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(9):100-107. |
21 |
不同撞击速度下压装炸药损伤规律研究 |
周忠彬,吕永柱,张博,等.不同撞击速度下压装炸药损伤规律研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(8):8-12,80. ZHOU Zhongbin, LYU Yongzhu, ZHANG Bo, et al.Study on damage law of pressed explosives under different impact velocities[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(8):8-12,80. |
22 |
基于BP神经网络预测炸药JWL状态方程参数对EFP速度的影响 |
郝礼楷,顾文彬,谢兴博,等.基于BP神经网络预测炸药JWL状态方程参数对EFP速度的影响[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(6):47-55. HAO Likai, GU Wenbin, XIE Xingbo, et al.Prediction of the influence of parameters of JWL equation of state on EFP velocity based on BP neural network[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(6):47-55. |
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典型破片撞击起爆屏蔽B炸药阈值研究 |
仝远,李德贵,聂源,等.典型破片撞击起爆屏蔽B炸药阈值研究[J].兵器装备工程学报,2023,44(4):16-21. TONG Yuan, LI Degui, NIE Yuan, et al.Velocity threshold of shock initiation of shielded composition B impacted by typical fragments[J].Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering,2023,44(4):16-21. |